Staffed with skilled physicians, nurses and other medical staff specialised in emergency patient care, we are here for you 24/7. We take pride in providing our patients with the care they need in those critical, lifesaving minutes. Our physicians are experienced in emergency medicine. They work together to stabilise, diagnose and treat patients. The department is set up for rapid response to address any medical emergencies with easy access to procedure rooms and imaging services.
Depending on the physician’s evaluation, a patient may be treated and diagnosed in the emergency department and then sent home with follow-up instructions. They may also be admitted to the hospital as an inpatient in order to be under observation for further medical care and evaluation. Sometimes additional tests such as Blood Work, X-rays, CT scan is recommended for proper diagnosis and treatment. There are arrangements for close observation of the patient without being admitted to the hospital.
If you need to reach the Emergency room, please call 01313-777 771
Call us if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- Chest pain or upper abdominal pain lasting for at least 2 minutes
- Uncontrolled bleeding at any site
- Sudden or severe pain, unusual abdominal pain
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Brain stroke
- Sudden unconsciousness, fall
- Sudden dizziness, weakness or change of vision
- Change in mental status or confusion
- Coughing or vomiting blood, severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhoea
- Fever or flu like symptoms
- Allergic reactions, animal bites
- Broken bones
- Accident, Trauma, Injury
- Any paediatric emergencies
- Any Gynae and OBS emergencies